Friday, August 19, 2011

What a week

The week began with a mighty fine trip to Santa Clara with younger niece and nephew to visit older niece.  Hilarious drive home but mostly you had to be there.

The fun was quickly followed by news of a dear friend's passing.  Mary was a bell ringer and we will be ringing as a mixed choir of current and former ringers at the memorial service on Sunday.   The bell choir rallied for her daughter and family (long time bell ringer) and have been bringing food and in general being supportive.

Come Wednesday I could no longer avoid thoughts of Back to School as it was time to go back and get the classroom together and plans made.  My assistants came in and offered a lot of help.  The room is in order, ideas are tossed about, and plans are beginning to form.  Good thing-it's Friday already and while everything isn't ready at least the basics are.

I somehow managed to have three knitting projects going all at once.  Two are more involved, for me, patterns but the 3rd is yet another pair of fingerless mitts.  This will be 8 for the year so three more to complete the 11 in 2011 challenge.   I haven't taken pictures yet.  Lately I've been taking photos of finished projects rather than documenting progress.  Hm.

Tomorrow I plan to go to a farmer's market that I didn't know was ongoing and much closer to my home than the "big one" across town.   A few other errands while I'm out but no big plans for the "last Saturday of summer break".  heh

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