Thursday, May 22, 2014

Work, work, work, work........

It's mainly been a paperwork week since direct services ended last Friday except for a couple preschoolers.   I've written 3 IEPs and held 2 and written and gotten signed 3 addendum. One more IEP in the a.m.  Just praying there are no more missing jots and tittles to have to do amendments for.  Bleh.

We've buttoned up our preschool office and moved the contents of two big cupboards from our main office to the new office/classroom.   My assistant has been a packing machine as we're also packing me out of the classroom.   We will be at a new school next year.

My two big accomplishments were getting the progress reports written and neating every single one of about 80-85 student files.  I like to make sure things are all back in order as the school year ends and it's always good to find and relocate bits and pieces that manage to travel from one students file to another's. 

My third big job is to get all the therapy notes neatened up and put those into the student files.  After that it's finish packing and haul home the little bits that I don't trust the maintenance crews to move.  These are people who can damage file cabinets with their carelessness.  I'm not entrusting them with a number of things.  

4 more days.  :*)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Around the yard

Not around the yard but needed to host a photo for a test post elsewhere.  :D

Monday, May 5, 2014

Counting up a school year

I have until Friday to get all my IEPs finished, paperwork turned in, reports sent out, amendments signed and sent in.   I think I'm on track to get it done.  I held two IEPs today and have 4 more this week.   

And so, last week, one of my colleagues says, "Can you believe I've done 38 assessments this year?"   Wow, no, I can't, that's a huge number of assessments!   So, ok, I have to count mine and did so at the end of the day.   35, Thirty five full speech and language assessments.   Wow, I'm entirely impressed with myself.   I also exited 7 kids from special ed.  Whoop!

I'll try to remember to count tomorrow and see how many IEPs total I've done this year.    Boatload!

And yes, several times this year my desk looked like this.  Thanks to my fab assistant it doesn't stay looking this way: