Monday, September 16, 2013


I'm not drowning but I don't think it would take much!   Today my assistant and I wrote most of the screening permission slips and distributed them to teachers to send home.   I couldn't face counting them.

Time for another list:
  • Score the articulation assessments I've been giving in preschool
  • Call parents for date, write, and hold two IEPs
  • Screen the referral kids as the permission slips come in and write the reports that day
  • do some planning and make copies for the groups that do not have articulation needs
  • clear out 1 drawer.   See that, I was going to do one a day, then two a week, now it's a victory if I just get one done.
  • make and distribute a minimum day schedule, oh, run it by the AP first
  • I'm sure there's more but I don't want to drown myself.
Knitting:   I tried blocking the shawl I just finished (wash, pull into shape, pin and let dry) and it was not a successful shape.    I'm going to give it another soak and try again to see if I can retain more of the butterfly shape.  I had a moth, I think.   It was not flattering to wear.

Books:  I haven't been awake long enough at bedtime to read.  I am managing to get 10-12 books at a time back into their collections on my Kindle.   Maybe once that's done I'll feel like reading again.   The nice thing about re-loading all the books is that I get to see all the titles again. 

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