Saturday, March 12, 2011

Apricot Blossoms!

My tree is not quite in full bloom but it's putting on a pretty good show.  I always doubt that I'll have another good season and every year the tree comes through.  

Lenten Project:

I went to town on the kitchen today.  So far I have cleaned off about half the counter, scrubbed the dishwasher door, cleaned one microwave inside and out, rearranged some cupboard space to make room for some of what's been parked on the table (boxes of tea), and scrubbed about a third of the cupboard doors. 

Yay for laptops and netflix.  I put my laptop on the kitchen counter and watched/listened to tv shows while I worked.  I'm tired and my shoulder hurts but it's getting done.  Yay.  More to do tomorrow.  I've decided that when I get my carpets cleaned later this year I'm going to have them do the kitchen floor, too.  I took that off my cleaning list and added in the cupboard doors.  

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